Britina Bovet

Author of  From Another Side of Time

Britina Bovet was born in 1965 in the Swiss Alps of Spanish parents. Today, she, her husband and her two children live in Hawai'i. Britina was educated in Switzerland and attended Engineering as well as Computer Programing School. This ensured her a career as a computer technician within the Swiss Watch Industry. She and her family moved to California in 1991. Her solid background in both software and hardware made it easy for her to free-lance as a computer consultant.

Stained glass art, painting, herbalism and aromatherapy are some of Britina's other creative endeavors. A passion for reading, especially Science Fiction and Fantasy, has motivated her to write her own stories. Her experiences as a martial arts instructor and spiritual minister have inspired the creation of her protagonists, who are strong, spirited women.

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