Antonio Silva

Author of Commanding the Light

Antonio Silva is a medical intuitive, healer, and psychic with more than thirty years of professional experience in these areas. Antonio was born on April 25, 1954 in Providence, Rhode Island. Through vivid dreams and daytime visions as a young boy, Antonio became aware that he was in possession of a special sight and powerful healing gifts. Laying his hands on family members who were in pain, he would hear from them that their pain disappeared within a minute or two of his touch. Antonio likewise could see past, present, and future events surrounding individuals.

Wishing to meld his natural healing abilities with official medical training, Antonio entered the U.S. Army as a paramedic and Emergency Medical Technician, serving overseas for two years before returning to Rhode Island to work as a nursing assistant and orderly in several New England hospitals. With self-study and the guidance of several spiritual mentors, Antonio's gifts unfolded to phenomenal heights, including the ability to heal from thousands of miles away by phone. He established his own practice, Antonio's Healing Hands, in order to reach as many people in need as possible.

Antonio resides in Boulder, Colorado where he treats clients both in person and by phone.
Antonio's website is
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