Aurelio Arreaza

Author of Fountain of Joy & Youth

Aurelio Arreaza was born and raised in Venezuela in a socially conservative atmosphere. As an inquisitive youth, he read spiritual books, talked to God, and began to feel a small amount of God's harmony. After completing law school, he lived, as he puts it, "a traditional materialistic existence."

He found this lifestyle unfulfilling and fully returned to his spiritual search. This led him to attend many different spiritual learning centers and experience different types of spiritual practices. He studied the human body and mind in great depth. Eventually, he left Venezuela and moved to the Sivananda Yoga Center in New York.

After more years of learning and spiritual practice, he found himself writing, in a clear and simple way, what he considers the most important knowledge concerning mankind: how to better understand and enjoy life, to gradually improve its quality and tune in with the rhythm of Universal Harmony.

Aurelio is currently living at Kripalu in Lenox, Massachusetts, a spiritual retreat center for dynamic transformation in a beautiful natural environment. There he does his best to improve his life and the world in every way.

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