Body, Mind, Spirit

Books from Blue Dolphin Publishing

Age of the Soul by Rohan, as given to Jason Nelson
A New Way of Living from Your Soul
ISBN: 1-978-1-4243-1586-4, 200 pp., 6x9, paperback, $19.50

An Arthur Ford Anthology by Frank Tribbe, Ed.
Writings By and About America's Sensitive of the Century
ISBN: 1-57733-036-6, 204 pages, paperback, 6 x 9, $19.95

Aura Awareness by C.E. Lindgren, DLitt & Jennifer Baltz (Eds.)
What Your Aura Says About You
ISBN: 0-9652490-5-0, 164 pp., 6x9, paper, $12.95

Best of the Best by Cheryl Parsell
An Anthology and Astrological Primer
ISBN: 1-57733-020-X, 568 pp., 6x9, paperback, $27.95

Beyond Boundaries by Louise Hauck
The Adventures of a Seer
ISBN: 0-931892-51-1, 276 pp., 5.5 x 8.5, paper, $12.95

Beyond Death by Christopher Scott
Confronting the Ultimate Mystery
ISBN: 1-57733-077-3, 244 pp., 6 x 9, $16.95,

The Butterfly Rises by Kit Tremaine
One Woman's Transformation Through Trance Channeling
ISBN: 0-931892-15-5, 216 pages, paperback, $12.95

Capturing the Aura by C.E. Lindgren, Ed.
Integrating Science, Technology, and Metaphysics
ISBN: 1-57733-072-2, 368 pp., 6x9, paper, $19.95

Commanding the Light by Antonio Silva and Hans Holzer
A Conversation about Paranormal Healing between Antionio Silva, Paranormal Healer, and Hans Holzer, Parapsychologist
ISBN: 978-1-57733-213-8, 116 pp., 5x8, paperback, $13.00

Dare to Be Different! by Dayle Schear
ISBN: 978-0-931892-91-2, 304 pp., 6x9, paper, $18.00

Darkness into Light by John L. Brooker
Rescuing Souls on the Other Side
ISBN: 1-57733-094-3, 164 pages, $14.95

Entities Among Us by Catherine Bowman
Unseen Forces That Affect Our Daily Lives
ISBN: 1-57733-083-8, 168 pp., 5.5 x 8.5, paperback, $14.95

If Heaven Is So Wonderful ... Why Come Here? by John L. Brooker
How to Discover Our "Whole Being"
ISBN: 1-57733-143-5, 136 pp., 5.5 x 8.5, paper, $14.95

A Layman's Guide to New Age and Spiritual Terms by Elaine Murray
ISBN: 0-931892-53-8, 208 pages, paperback, $12.95

Making Love with God by Audrey Craft Davis
The Art of Mental Connection
ISBN: 978-1-57733-191-9, 132 pp., 5.5 x 8.5, paperback, $14.95

Metaphysical Encounters of a Fourth Kind by Audrey Craft Davis
An Exacting Science
ISBN: 978-1-57733-204-6, 144 pp., 5.5 x 8.5, paperback, $14.95

Metaphysical Techniques That Really Work by Audrey Craft Davis
ISBN: 1-57733-128-1, 148 pp., 5.5 x 8.5, paper, $14.95

Millboro and More by Marge Rieder, Ph.D.
Introducing Hypnotherapy for Stroke Paralysis
ISBN: 1-57733-129-X, 196 pp., 5.5 x 8.5, paperback, $14.95

Mission to Millboro by Marge Rieder, Ph.D.
A Study in Group Reincarnation
ISBN: 0-931892-59-7, 208 pages, 43 photos, paperback, $13.00

Numerology Reveals Your All by Frank Bugge
Your Personality and Karmic Lessons Within Your Birth Numbers
ISBN: 978-1-57733-266-4, 120 pp., 5 x 8, paperback, $13.00

The Psychic Within by Dayle Schear
True Psychic Stories
ISBN: 0-931892-90-2, 270 pages, paperback, $14.95

O Sane and Sacred Death by Louise Ireland-Frey, M.D.
First Person Accounts of Death as received in hypnotic regression
ISBN: 1-57733-090-0, 272 pp., 5.5 x 8.5, paper, $15.95

On the Tip Edge of a Miracle by Dennison and Teddi Tsosie
Dreams, Visions, and Prophecies for the Future
ISBN: 978-1-57733-277-0, 304 pp, 6 x 9, paperback, $22.00

Prosperity Consciousness by Audrey Craft Davis
A Metaphysical Guide to Your Natural Wealth
ISBN: 978-1-57733-203-9, 128 pp., 5.5 x 8.5, paperback, $14.95

The Rainbow Follows the Storm by Karen Noe
How to Obtain Inner Peace by Connecting with Angels and Deceased Loved Ones
ISBN: 1-57733-147-8, 188 pp., 5.5 x 8.5, paperback, $16.95

Return to Millboro by Marge Rieder, Ph.D.
The Reincarnation Drama Continues
ISBN: 0-931892-28-7, 256 pages, 40 photos, paperback, $14.95

Someone Else's Yesterday by Jeffrey J. Keene
The Confederate General and Connecticut Yankee: A Past Life Revealed
ISBN: 1-57733-134-6, 256 pp., 6x9, paperback, $17.95

Spirit Visions by Dennison & Teddi Tsosie
The Old Ones Speak
ISBN: 1-57733-002-1, 384 pages, paperback, 6x9, $19.95

UFOs by Enrique Castillo Rincon
A Great New Dawn for Humanity
ISBN: 1-57733-000-5, paperback, 272 pages, 43 illustrations, $19.95

When Spirits Come Calling by Sylvia Hart Wright
The Open-Minded Skeptic's Guide to After-Death Contacts
ISBN: 1-57733-095-1, 256 pp., 6 x 9, paperback, $15.95
ISBN: 1-57733-125-7, hardcover, $24.95

You Will Live Again by Brad Steiger
Dramatic Case Histories of Reincarnation
ISBN: 0-931892-29-5, 248 pages, 24 photos, paperback, $12.95